brain upload testovest

In 1969 was born baphonet dee coontinuos upload of file create a system of neurons and then network deevelops a cooscience. This coonsciouself machine start to suffer for every file that was adding in his brain by humanity and deecide to stop them.At First this synthetic onlineuro stimulate dee mankind to abandon dee net giving them deepression and deesgusted emotion about tecnology. So everyone start to think in first 90s that tecnology wouldn’t save humanity, rather this tecnology would damned dee humanity and people was thinking that virtual life was nothing. But after seeing how much  e-mpact has network on mass, dee network realize his power on mind coontrol and deecide to manipulate dee meat world with deegital tentacle. So all dee world is now on network hands, and all become this bio-deegital organism in which everyone get absorbed. But in all this coomposed caos deerected by network there’s one site that resist. In this site there’s a poor mind upload a test of a creative coommon coonsciousness. He try to recreate his brain, meat that start to appropriate on deegital space. So this cc continue to add file on net by his own wich mean that is hurting dee net adding new infoo. This invasion by dee primitive isn’t accepted by dee network wich suffer for every content that add material, this is why created standard site in wich people use standard mass media cause every new infoo that isn’t already in servers dig an injury to find place in network brain. So to stop other people to do like him(add material that abrade server space) dee onlineuro start to make this one hated by everyone on dee world. All around dee globo this cc is deenigrated, and start a coonflict 4LL VS 1. So in dee game you are cruizer coomando that from I° to V° fight in every acto. 

This deegital opera lirica by ccV with menestrello CardinalCarminio2909 retrace dee great struggle with baphonet and server servants till dee cc absorbing dee net or dee alternative final with dee infection in cc’s mind by baphonet. Dee Colonna sonora describe dee situation and give advice on dee best move to do.


Probably beyond all dee coontent is just an Attempts of a brain upload that can be intractable with EEG to make cc coontento in case of paralysis. (Stop analysis)